
jQuery Mobile exposes several methods and properties on the $.mobile object for use in your applications.

$.mobile.changePage (method)
Programmatically change from one page to another. This method is used internally for transitions that occur as a result of clicking a link or submitting a form, when those features are enabled.
  • String, url to transition to ("about/us.html")
  • jQuery object ($("#about"))
  • Array specifying two page references [from,to] for transitioning from a known page. From is otherwise assumed to be the current page in view (or $.mobile.activePage ).
  • Object for sending form data. ({to: url, data: serialized form data, type: "get" or "post"}
transition (string, examples: "pop", "slide"," "none")
back (boolean, default: false). True will cause a reverse-direction transition.
changeHash (boolean, default: true). Update the hash to the to page's URL when page change is complete.
//transition to the "about us" page with a slideup transition
$.mobile.changePage("about/us.html", "slideup");

//transition to the "search results" page, using data from a form with an ID of "search"" 	
	url: "searchresults.php",
	type: "get",
	data: $("form#search").serialize()

//transition to the "confirm" page with a "pop" transition without tracking it in history	
$.mobile.changePage("../alerts/confirm.html", "pop", false, false);

$.mobile.pageLoading (method)
Show or hide the page loading message, which is configurable via $.mobile.loadingMessage.
Done (boolean, defaults to false, meaning loading has started). True will hide the loading message.
//cue the page loader

//hide the page loader
$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
$.mobile.silentScroll (method)
Scroll to a particular Y position without triggering scroll event listeners.
yPos (number, defaults to 0). Pass any number to scroll to that Y location.
//scroll to Y 100px
$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints (method)
Add width breakpoints to the min/max width classes that are added to the HTML element.
values (number or array). Pass any number or array of numbers to add to the resolution classes. Read more about this feature here: Orientation & resolution targeting.
//scroll to Y 100px
$.mobile.activePage (property)
Reference to the page currently in view.