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The popup plugin has the following methods:

open( options ) display the popup using the specified options

$('.selector').popup('open', options);

options is an object literal which may have any of the following properties:

x The x-coordinate where the popup is to be displayed.
y The y-coordinate where the popup is to be displayed.
transition The transition to use during the opening sequence.
positionTo The positioning to use.

If x or y is missing, and no jQuery selector is given as the value of positionTo, the middle of the window will be used.

transition can be used to override the popup's own transition option. This will result in the popup opening via the transition specified in the call, but the popup's transition option will not be updated.

Similarly, data-position-to can be used to override the popup's default positioning without modifying the value of the popup's positionTo option. The values available for positionTo are the same as those for the popup's positionTo option (see options page).

close close an open popup
